I am Lovin'TheGoodOleDays!

Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you're here. You'll find information about my shop; favorite recipes; features of other crafters and artisans; tidbits of beach living; and the ups and downs of life.

Yes, there were some things about the past that were definitely great, but everyone's list is slightly different. This blog is my contribution to the things that make life great, and not so great. Like all things, this blog will grow and change as I do. Come grow with me.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Monday Mojo...Three Feet From Gold

Nothing is nearby in Lower Slower Delaware, so I like to listen to audiobooks. The book I'm currently listeing to is "Think And Grow Rich," by Napolean Hill.

Just like so many out there I have gone from feeling great about myself to downright lowsy and worthless, ready to just throw in the towel.  Sometimes I feel like I'm treading water and every so often my head goes down and I gulp a mouthful of water, before I find some hidden energy and bob back up again.

In this book, there is a story about a man, an uncle of R.U. Darby who went West to dig for gold.  He procured the needed equipment and Darby and his uncle began mining in a great spot. Great, that is, until the vein of gold disappeared. Eventually they gave up and sold the equipment to a junk dealer.

The junk dealer was a wise man, and he sought out a mining engineer, who told him the vein would pick up again in just three more feet. And that's exactly what happened! That junk dealer ended up making millions mining that gold.

Three feet...thirty-six inches, was all that separated Darby's uncle from aquiring his dream.

So today I say get your "pick ax" and keep digging.  You may only be three feet from your dream, too.


Unknown said...

I know exactly how you feel! I will get my pick ax and keep digging!

Anonymous said...

That's a great inspirational story. I've got to remember it!

Unknown said...

Thank you. It's a really good book. There are examples like this of people's determination to succeed throughout.

Nicole said...

Hello mate nice blog