I am Lovin'TheGoodOleDays!

Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you're here. You'll find information about my shop; favorite recipes; features of other crafters and artisans; tidbits of beach living; and the ups and downs of life.

Yes, there were some things about the past that were definitely great, but everyone's list is slightly different. This blog is my contribution to the things that make life great, and not so great. Like all things, this blog will grow and change as I do. Come grow with me.

Friday, April 19, 2013

You Know It's Spring when...

I love living in Lower Slower Delaware. My mother has been down here 20ish years now and I've visited as often as I could, depending how far away I was living at the time. But now that I am here full-time I really appreciate the little things that make it special.  When the nice weather comes back, so do the road-side stands. Local folks set up tables in front of their houses with various fruits, vegetables, flowers, and handmade crafts with a small sign and a bucket or some other small container for people to leave their money.  I caught sight of this table this past weekend, after having a particularly bad day, so I had to stop. When I pulled up the gentleman came out of the house to help me out.  For $3.50 I ended up with 5 large, bright red, best smelling tomatoes I could ask for. He totally made my day. (I've stopped at other spots where people just help themselves.)

Before moving down here we lived in a townhouse community on the edge of Philadelphia.  Two summers ago I had a small garden in our tiny patch of dirt; basil, tomatoes, and peppers.  It was so neat to watch the tomatoes grow and start to turn red, until the one day when I realized someone had stolen every tomato I had. Yup, gotta love that brotherly love. Needless to say, the next year I left that patch of dirt exactly the way it was.

Sorry, Philly, I am not missing you, not one bit. Can't wait for the roadside flowers to appear.


Amanda said...

How fun! I love to stop at roadside stands but I don't do it nearly often enough.

Unknown said...

Thanks Amanda. I'm going to make a deliberate effort to do more of it myself. What better way to shop local and support small business. Can't get much smaller than that!

Unknown said...

I love roadside stands...we don't see as many here in NC as we did in western NY. and how terrible that someone stole all your tomatoes. maybe they were homeless and hungry, or maybe they were liberals who believe that we should give our stuff to others who don't work. (ugh, sorry didn't mean to get political. lol)