I am Lovin'TheGoodOleDays!

Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you're here. You'll find information about my shop; favorite recipes; features of other crafters and artisans; tidbits of beach living; and the ups and downs of life.

Yes, there were some things about the past that were definitely great, but everyone's list is slightly different. This blog is my contribution to the things that make life great, and not so great. Like all things, this blog will grow and change as I do. Come grow with me.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The ABCs of Life...H is For My Husband Harry

I've been debating with myself whether I wanted to go happy and lighthearted (Harry), or serious and talk about my issues with Hypothyroidism, and I decided Harry gets the featured spot this time. My health issues can wait for another time.

Harry and I have know each other since way back in 6th grade. This is pretty much the way I remember him, but change the serious military look on his face to a big ole' grin, and that's him.  He always had a joke or some funny story to share. Time passed and we went our separate ways, but I never forgot him, and would look him up online to see if I could find him...and one day I did, on Myspace (remember myspace?).  We chatted about old times and compared the journey of our lives, which turned out eerily similar. We also discovered that we had a lot in common. Within no time we were completing each others' sentences and singing the same song.

He's still got that wacky sense of humor, but there's so much more about him that I really dig.  He'll do the dishes or laundry if it needs to be done, he works tirelessly 6 or 7 days a week and never complains, and he loves his parents and isn't embarrassed to say so.  He would do anything for his kids, and someday they will all know just how much he loves them, as usually happens when kids have kids of their own.

He's a huge history buff, all kinds of history, you name it, he can can tell you all about it. He can hold his own in the kitchen (always a plus), and if he were to go on Jeopardy, dare I say I think he would do quite well.  On more than one occasion he has come up with some obscure fact and I just look at him and ask , "How do you know that...and why?!"

He's a man who knows who is he, what he wants, and what he knows he has to do to get there. He is determined, and motivated. He is my rock. He keeps me going when I don't think I can, and he believes in me when I doubt myself. He is my biggest fan, and I am his.

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