I am Lovin'TheGoodOleDays!

Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you're here. You'll find information about my shop; favorite recipes; features of other crafters and artisans; tidbits of beach living; and the ups and downs of life.

Yes, there were some things about the past that were definitely great, but everyone's list is slightly different. This blog is my contribution to the things that make life great, and not so great. Like all things, this blog will grow and change as I do. Come grow with me.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Proud Momma Moment

Back in 2007 I was teaching kindergarten and my pride and joy was in pre-school. After school was over I'd go pick him up and bring him back to my classroom while I cleaned up and prepared for the next day. He loved to write on the white board, as all kids do.  One day, my 4 year old little genius called out to me to see what he wrote. Of course I had to take a picture.

It was indeed a proud momma moment for me. Every time I see that picture I go back to that day. He was so happy and I was bursting with love and pride. All parents think their children are wonderful. This was one of those times for me.

Surely you have many of those warm fuzzy feel good memories. I'd love to hear them. If you have a blog post about any of them, please share the link to your blog post below. It's ok to brag about your fabulous offspring. I do it all the time....Love that little guy!


Unknown said...

our children are a blessing...here's my daughter singing her first public solo...

Unknown said...

Yankee, that is such a nice video. What a great voice. Thank you so much for sharing.

Steph said...

That is so sweet and he is adorable!!! That big smile is a heart melter!!!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet story!

colleen said...

He is such a cutie!

Unknown said...

Thank you Sassy. I'd like to think so, but I'm biased.

Unknown said...

Thank you Lizbeth.

Unknown said...

Thanks Colleen.

2justByou said...

That's an awesome proud mama moment! I love it when they're so young and trying so hard with their spelling. It's fun to save those and show them later.

Here's one of mine:
One day outside our local Walmart, a family of 5 was sitting outside with a sign that said the Dad lost his job and they lost their home. We proceeded in the store and did our shopping. My son asked if he could get some things, and I thought nothing of it, letting him add his few items to the shopping cart. When we got outside, he grabbed his bag of items (contents: a couple of water bottles, some gatorade, a box of granola bars and a bunch of 5 bananas). As we walked passed the family, my son stopped, handing the bags to the mom and dad and said to the dad, "This is for your family. I hope you find a job soon." When we got to the car, I asked my son what made him do that. He said, "I saw the dad at Safeway a couple of days ago, and he was asking people if he could wash their car windows for some money. I know he's trying real hard. And they looked hungry."

Sorry it's a little long, but it's one of the best proud mama moments I've had. =0)

Here's to our kids!!!


Unknown said...

Awe Kim, you're such a great mom to have such a sweet and loving child. Thank you for sharing your story.

Duni said...

That's so precious :)

SewSweetVIntage said...

Omg, so sweet!!!!!!
Hi Lisa:)
I've been away from tech land with a mouth full of dental issues.
Just now getting to read my favorite blogs and omg, Liebster. My favorite place to be is the beach too!! I'd love to have laser surgery for my vision. Is it expensive? Beach weather is just around the corner, that is if my Jersey beach is still there:( Stop by http://www.sewsweetvintage.com/2013/03/vintage-popcorn-chenille.html
Happy Spring

Unknown said...

Thank you Duni

Unknown said...

Thanks Michelle. Sorry about all the dental work. Never fun, but always worth it. The laser surgery wasn't bad, just very weird. It was over quickly and my sight was instantly improved. So love the beach, but still no sign of beach weather just yet.

Abby / Linda said...

OMG, what a great message for you!