I am Lovin'TheGoodOleDays!

Welcome to my blog. I'm glad you're here. You'll find information about my shop; favorite recipes; features of other crafters and artisans; tidbits of beach living; and the ups and downs of life.

Yes, there were some things about the past that were definitely great, but everyone's list is slightly different. This blog is my contribution to the things that make life great, and not so great. Like all things, this blog will grow and change as I do. Come grow with me.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Promotion Commotion

Last Tuesday I decided to offer my facebook page to other small business owners to promote themselves. I would like to make this a regular feature on mt page. So, here's the post for today. If you'd like to participate, comment below the post. Like and share to get more views. Today, my wall is your wall. (Please, family friendly items and comments only.)
Go to my facebook page to join in.  See you there!

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